News and interesting facts about PharmBioTec

Exciting Collaboration Alert!
Clemens Zwergel from Sapienza University, Italy, and Marius Hittinger from PharmBioTec gGmbH, have unveiled together with researchers from a multinational team at the Jagiellonian University, Poland and Universität des Saarlandes, Germany innovative small molecules in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Their collaborative work explores a new series of Selenium-containing 5-HT6R ligands targeting the serotonin … weiterlesen …

ISAM Congress: PharmBioTec presents possibilities to replace animal testing
PharmBioTec drew attention to its in vitro methodologies against animal testing at the ISAM congress as a bronze sponsor. The congress of the “International Society for Aerosols in Medicine” met in Saarbrücken from August 26 to August 30, 2023. There we were able to make a versatile contribution to aerosol scientists from all over the … weiterlesen …

New challenge for PharmBioTec: EU-funded research project with Sapienza University in Rome
In the world of natural sciences, especially drug development, there are many areas of research that can improve our lives substantially. Green chemistry or sustainable chemistry is the term used to describe the kind of chemistry that tries to curb pollution, save energy and thus produce chemicals in the most environmentally friendly way possible. Green … weiterlesen …

Research without animal testing – Saar scientists show how it’s done
Sehenswerter Beitrag über die Entwicklung von Alternativen zum Tierversuch! Zu Beginn ist ein Teil unserer Arbeit mit menschlicher Haut zu sehen. Vielen Dank an Dr. Barbara Veldung und ihr Team für die jahrelange Unterstützung!Alternative Methoden sind im Fokus unserer Entwicklungen und bereits wichtiger Bestandteil unserer Arzneimittelentwicklung. Dabei spielen nicht nur ethische Gesichtspunkte eine wichtige Rolle. … weiterlesen …